The RAI bird and the sounds of life

BrandMozart celebrated RAI's most iconic sound with the creation of several limited edition audio devices paired with a sound design inspired by birdsong.

The radio bird was a mechanical, bellows-operated system to fill in the downtime of cues during radio broadcasts, from the first year, 1924. It was so called because the sound, a sequence of four notes, was very similar to the chirping of a small bird. His real name was "interval signal." The sound is still used in regular radio broadcasting when national broadcasts give way to regional ones, particularly before radio newspapers broadcast from the various Rai regional offices. Compared to the original form, the present bird includes only one chirp sequence instead of the original four.
RAI needed to celebrate its historic jingle with portable radio devices to be used as celebratory gifts on certain occasions by commissioning BrandMozart for design and music development to support it. BrandMozart celebrated RAI's most iconic sound with the creation of a number of limited edition audio devices inspired by Braun's functionalist design principle and combined with a sound project inspired by birdsong. Each device in addition to functioning as an Am Fm radio has a button that can play the sound of the RAI bird, which has been restored and remastered.

The sound signature
The sound logo, based on Brand Music, is a short musical segment that captures the essence and magic of the complete song. The sound logo is designed to be used as a sound identifier for RAI, representing the natural and enchanting appearance of birdlife.

Brand Music
We composed this piece specifically for RAI, using birds as the main theme. The composition offers an immersive and evocative sound experience, transporting listeners to a sound world populated by dreamlike melodies and avian calls, creating an atmosphere of nature, freedom and imagination.
the sounds of life

Environmental sounds
To compose the piece, we recorded the audible sound field in the countryside of Emilia-Romagna. Different kinds of birds, flying over our heads, sing loudly, giving us sound elements, used in the composition.
Bird Voice 1
Bird Voice 2
Bird Voice 3
Bird Voice 4
Bird Voice 5
Bird Voice 6
Bird Voice 7
Bird Voice 8